Sunday, 21 October 2012

Black & White: Close-up.

It's been a good day. I slept in until 8am, unusual for me, then we took the dogs down to the rocky beach for some fresh air and to collect some pebbles for a crafty idea I came across on pinterest. It was a bit wild down there and the tide was very high so we took what we found, they were too big really.

So we painted these and finished them off this evening. This is Ali's.
Now they are asleep (finally) I shall varnish them to dry overnight. I covered one of mine in croco paint and I love it so I will be decorating it instead and keeping it.

As you can see, we didn't find any smooth ones either, we need a much lower tide for that.

My close-up is of a fairy-light from above my desk.

I spent three hours yesterday going back through my blog and Suzie's trying to make sure that I had an entry for each day and that it had the correct date on it. I missed two days! One in July (when I was on my Olympics adventure) and one at the beginning of June (when the boss was away for a fortnight and it was my friends wedding!) So not too bad. I have made a note to catch them up next week when I am on holiday and then load them to flickr, do the monthly spreads and I should, touch wood, end the year ok.


  1. Well done Jen, I love the Rock monsters. I love picking up stones at the beach too.

  2. Wow, that's dedication.. I feel like I should go do the first twenty or so prompts I missed but not sure, telling myself the moment has passed. Would love to keep the core of us dong something next year, and of course anyone who wante to join in, perhaps a weekly challenge and we coukd take turns in setting it, maybe a month each? We could do a photo prmpt and a layout too if we gor sorted..I think another daily one may be too much straight afte and I know monthly is a bit slack as we have seen on the Happy Scrappers one.. Not enough feedback and committment. ? What do you think?

    1. It sounds like a great idea KathiJo. It would seem very strange not keeping in touch after becoming so close this year.

  3. Well done Jennie, sounds like an ideal Sunday! Well done for only missing two prompts, I missed a week or so right at the beginning....but not plans to go back and do them.

    Kathijo I think its a great idea...definatly need a break from daily but would love to continue with something.

  4. I love the rock monster
    KathiJos idea sounds good to me.
