Saturday, 8 September 2012


My eyes are sad today, it really is being the most godawful year, last night I spoke to my friend and her husband has died. He was 35 and they have a 2 year old daughter. I haven't been able to do much but to sit and play with Ali and scrap a bit of LSNED.

IMG 2026

These will have to count. LSNED today asked us to work on a new skill. A resolution of mine was to learn how to crotchet. If you remember, I did post the first chain I managed back along, but I hadn't got it back out since. Anyway I did today and I found it easier than I did last time. I think this is a trait of mine that if I cannot learn it immediately I give up. So I will persevere this month.


  1. My condolences.
    It's a shame when young people go. But saying that there must be young and old, healthy and sick ..
    I hope your friend to find the strength to continue..

  2. Jennie.. what a sad day, it's times like this you can't imagine how everyone else can go about their business.... hugs K xx

  3. What a sad day, so sorry !
    Clever you with crochet !
    By the way, Thunderbird is the most exciting Mail Server for Mac and if you get the add on called Lightning, you also get a calendar/organizer. xxx

  4. Jennie so sorry about your friends loss (((hugs))) Well done with the crotchet, persevere!x

  5. So sorry to hear about your friend.
    Well done on the crochet, I have sometimes found videos on youtube to help with knitting...I find it easier to learn through watching, reading instructions is a nightmare for me.

  6. Jennie, I'm so sorry to hear about your friends husband. It is so sad. At least you can be there for her when she needs it.
