Sunday, 23 September 2012

On your desk.

Well, it has only taken 6 hours to make the cake and decorate it and I haven't finished yet! Too tired and I haven't finished his card either so I have come upstairs for a sit down and finish the card and the cake toppers and I will finish it off tomorrow.

Ali's friend Kane came over to play for the day, they have been good as gold and so I have been able to get on with the cake. We took a time out to go to the local play zone, I took my laptop with me to occupy me so this is my desk there complete with mocha :) It was a nice peaceful hour and a half!

I cannot believe my baby is going to be 8 :( It seems like a lifetime ago (well it is for him!) and also at the same time about ten minutes ago that I was packing my bag for the hospital and trying to get some sleep as I knew he was coming the next day. Louis' labour went on for about 3 days and ended up with an emergency caesarean so Ali was booked in. In fact I was admitted at 8:30am, he was born at 9:19am :) We were back on the ward, my epidural worn off and in the swing of things by 11am! I generally enjoy seeing the children develop and grow, but there is something about the last one...

IMG 2132

One of my managers that I manage at work is on maternity leave, someone came into see me yesterday in the office to tell me she was in the shop with the baby. I was cursing why no-one had told me she had had it and when I got to her she had had her the night before, they had had a good sleep so they thought they would get out and about :) Good on her. Beautiful baby girl Olivia, can't wait to get a cuddle!


  1. that is good for took me ages to pluck up the courage to go 'out and about' with a newborn and I know what you mean about the 'last' one, I try not to think about it :) Well done on the cake, hope we get to see a pic.

  2. My "last one" is 31 today and she is still very special even though she is a mum of two herself.

  3. How exciting all these birthday preparations. I am sure it will be lovely ! xxxx

  4. I keep saying Happy Birthday Alli, is it today or tomorrow (Tues)?
    looking forward to seeing this moshi monster xx he is the same age as my DGS, My youngest son's boy!!

  5. Great post! How good things .. I'm happy for you.
