Tuesday, 6 March 2012


Na-ha, nada. No cooking today, today at our retreat it is chippy day Smile

Laura is leaving tomorrow and so she was kind enough to make us pancakes for breakfast (erm…with left-over lemon ice-cream from last nights pudding. Deee-vine) and then Sue had brought some frozen veg soup with her that we had with  some bread from the bakery)

Then Enzo made us some lovely chips for tea Smile

Oh and a million minstrels.

I did make some jam last thursday to bring to the retreat, it is delicious and it was so easy (thanks Nigella that’s another one I owe you.)


Anyway, I did take lots of photos today, some general silliness and some in the garden as it was a gorgeous day….the blossom is just starting to come out, i’m hoping it will be quite a show by the time we leave on friday.


and these little beauties…


Gawd, I shall miss this place.


  1. It sounds so much fun!!!!!!! Love the blossom photo. I love the blossom but it's a sure sign my hayfever will start up!

  2. No cooking is my favourite kind of cooking :)
