Tuesday, 10 July 2012


Oh I was struggling with this today, nothing felt very shiny and everything I did see that was shiny I ended up being distracted by stuff.

Anyway, I finally got home, Mum is ok, Ali had the day off as well as he was *shhhh constipated* he clearly wouldn’t want me to tell you! He is all, erm cleared out up now. So it has been a bit of a blur sorting everyone out. Work sucks sometimes Smile

So I was sat here wondering what I could take a photo of and Ali came in to tell me that a parcel had arrived today. It was from my very good friend Susi who has the most lovely Etsy shop which she sells buttons and iphone covers and ipad covers from. The little angel had sent my order (some buttons and my iphone cover) but she had also put in a beautiful ipad cover to cheer my Mum up. Her shop is here of you want to have a look. 

Here is my shiny new iphone cover.


The little bee that you can see on the right hand side on the flower is her little trademark and I think it is so cute Smile

Shameless ad for her there as she makes great stuff.

Night Y’all xxx


  1. Super shop!! Lover the iphone cover too!
    Glad Mum is getting better and ((hugs)) for Ali xx

  2. gorgeous ipad cover certainly brightens up a dull day :) pleased you are all feeling better by the end of the day :)

  3. Glad you mum is better... and Ali too !
    What a nice iphone cover ! Night !

  4. Congratulations! I remembered this:
    "Not apply such efforts. All the beautiful happens unexpectedly."
    Gabriel Garcia Markes
    Super shop!! Lover the iphone cover too!
    Wish you a nice day!

  5. smiling here..one of mine once suffered so we went to the doc.. he asked what they had for brekkies.. Rice Krispies I said.. mmm, you may as well feed them the box, at least they'd have some fibre then! xxx Glad all on the mend.. when you holidaying this way? x
